The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

  • CEFR: international standard for language ability.

  • Six levels: A1 (basic) – C2 (expert).

  • Key language skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening.

     The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is a standardized framework utilized by our English Academy to evaluate and enhance language proficiency. With its six proficiency levels, ranging from beginner to advanced, we align our teaching approach to the CEFR guidelines. This enables us to provide clear learning objectives, personalized instruction, and accurate assessments tailored to each student’s needs. By implementing the CEFR approach, we ensure a comprehensive and effective language learning experience for our students at I English U Academy.

자녀분들의 영어 능력을 확인하세요. 무료 캠브리지 레벨 테스트를 지금 간단하게 예약하실수있습니다.

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